Hello dear friends! I have just completed my first Oxford paper! It was titled "Domestic Virtue: Jane Austen's Nationalism." Thank goodness I finished it. Tomorrow I defend it. My Philosophy paper is due Saturday, so tomorrow it's back to the books.
Monday evening I attended my first rehearsal with the Oxford University Student Choir (OUSC for short). It was wonderful and a great reminder of my affection for large choral singing. On March 9th we will perform Beethoven's Mass in C and his Choral Fantasy. They are magnificent pieces.
Although Sunday was a beautiful day with lots of sun (as the pictures in the last post represent) the past few days have been wet; very wet. This morning I awoke to snow which quickly turned to rain as the day continued. The rivers and streams here are already overflowing, literally. As the wetness continued, the park next to my flat has gradually become a large lake (as pictured); complete with swans.
Today I was very happy to learn that I acquired a bike. This is useful considering the distance to my Philosophy tutor's house. Monday I retrieve the bike, so I will not have it Saturday for the long journey to his home. I think it will prove very useful this semester though.
Two food notes: 1. On Monday I tried a 'jacket potato.' I had high expectations; I was thinking it would be something like a twice baked potato. No, no, all it is is a once baked potato. That's it. You order toppings for it; a little disappointing to say the least.
2. Today I had Millie's Cookies, famous in Oxford. The were wonderful. I had a white chocolate raspberry and an orange chocolate chip. As cookie extraordinaires know cookies have a certain density, and Millie's Cookies were just the right amount of chewiness without being mushy. They are an expensive indulgence but well worth it; especially on a day when a paper is due.
I am exhausted; hitting the sack after a rigorous day of academics.
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